Sanitation and disinfection

Sanitation and disinfection
Idrovelox is recognized for the sanitization and disinfection services of civil and industrial places, which are available to the customer with extreme professionalism and precision. It uses ozone sterilizations, in order to destroy bacterial and viral charges, which proliferate and provoke the contamination of the entire environment.
The specific knowledge of the various types of pests, the effectiveness of the methods used and the study of the environment give the possibility to carry out in a professional way and with cutting-edge methodologies, work of:
SANITATIONto reduce the risk of infection by Covid-19
DISINFESTATIONagainst bacteria and insects
RAT EXTERMINATIONagainst rats and mice
COCKROACHES EXTERMINATIONagainst cockroaches, bedbugs, insects, fleas and ticks
The company, in the respect of the current laws about the environment, hygiene and safety, adopts all the most appropriate and effective intervention systems, in order to eliminate the problems caused by weeds, always ensuring respect for the surrounding environment and safeguarding people’s health.